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Well, Hello Beautiful

I’m so glad you’re here

Welcome to a place of peace.  Press play for a quiet moment.


is a way of being, thinking and approaching life. It’s inner freedom, peace of mind and steady balance. It’s embracing the moment and allowing your path to unfold with ease. It’s the small, gentle and practical steps to take along the way.

enjoy this moment &

Replenish Yourself

Sometimes the road is hard and we lose our way. That’s OK. Choose the inspiration that speaks to you. Click on it to go deeper with free, guided exercises.


but do not force.
Let things come.
Let things unfold.
Let things be.
This moment
was created for you.


is possible with practice
Show Me Guided Exercises

Follow the Light

Whatever spark or
inkling fills you with joy
-even ever so briefly-
follow it as a clue to
guide your path


is possible with presence
Show Me Guided Exercises

Fear Not the Future

Find steady ground
to place your
next step.
Trust in the solid
footing of


is possible with small steps
Show Me Guided Exercises

Hi, I'm Heather

I help people find calm in the storm and clarity for the path forward.

As a leader in a large consulting firm, I’ve experienced first-hand the depleting effects of stress and burnout. Through my own journey of mindfulness and healing, I discovered practices with the power to bring peace, clarity and balance, even when the storm still rages all around.

Join me on the path of gentle persistence, where I offer resources, coaching and learning experiences to help you:


be kind to yourself

take small steps

take small steps

Right Now

Let’s do a tiny thought experiment together to get you moving in the right direction.